Creating a new site


Company administrators can create and configure individual sites, ensuring each site the information to promote a safe working environment. To align sites with your company master records you can save time by pulling down information from your company policy and risk register then edit to make it site-specific.

Once the site is established, you can induct workers and contractors to participate and keep informed.

Setting up your Site

  1. Select create a site.

    NOTE: This will only appear if you have set up a company. If you are apart of multiple companies, make sure you have the right one selected (you can change this by clicking your company name of the side navigation and selecting 'change company')

  2. Choose your site type

  3. Start typing your address in the search bar and select the correct address, then select "next"

  4. NOTE: Some site addresses are not always found if any problems - contact support.

  5. You will return to "All sites" where you can now access your site overview and work through the prompts to complete the site information.

  6. The Site is not able to be published until you have entered some base level information (eg site policy, emergency procedure, etc). These steps are visible on the site overview. You will have to complete this information and publish the site before you can invite workers.