Site Hazard Register


The site hazard and risk register pulls data from the company level master hazard register, this feature enables site administrators to create and maintain site-specific hazard registers while ensuring alignment with company-wide safety standards.

Keep site workers, contractors and visitors up to date by reviewing and updating your site hazard and risk register as things change.

Setting up your Company Policy

  1. Login to SiteSmart

  2. Select "Sites" on the side navigation bar

  3. Select the site you wish to add hazards to. If you do not have any sites, you will need to first create a site, or be added to the site as a site administrator.

  4. On the side navigation, under the site click "Hazards" then "Site hazards".

  5. Select "Add Hazard"

  6. Choose one of the pre-populated hazards, or if you cannot find the hazard you need, your company master hazard and risk register will need to be updated. NOTE: You must be a company administrator to access and add hazards to your company level master hazard register.

  7. Site Specific - Review the initial risk assessment (before controls are applied) - if this is different at site level, make the appropriate changes by adjusting the severity of injury/illness" and the "likelihood of hazardous event occurring". This will give you an initial risk profile for the site hazard. Select "Next"

  8. Site Specific - Add your site control measures for this hazard and any additional information required for workers or not captured in the controls, then select "Next"

  9. Site Specific - Review the residual risk assessment (once the controls are applied) - if this is different at site level, make the appropriate changes by adjusting the severity of injury/illness" and the "likelihood of hazardous event occurring". This will give you the residual risk profile for the site hazard. Select "Finish"

  10. Hazard created. -Select 'Done' - You have now created your site specific hazard created your risk profiles and applied controls.

  11. Repeat steps for adding Site Specific additional hazards to the register.

  12. You can re-assess your hazards anytime, by clicking into the hazard and selecting the 'assess button'

  13. When a hazard no longer exists, you can eliminate the hazard by clicking into the hazard and selecting the 'remove button'. These hazards will be available in the 'eliminated hazards' tab.

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