Company master hazard register
The master hazard and risk register stores information about the hazards and risks your company deals with and what controls should be in place to manage these. Company administrators can input, assess and maintain the register.
Once you've added hazards to your company hazard and risk register, you'll be able to pull them through to your sites with ease.
Setting up your master hazard register
Login to SiteSmart
Select your company on the side navigation. If you are a part of multiple companies make sure the correct company is selected. You can change this by clicking 'change companies'."
Select "Hazard and risk" on the left hand side navigation bar to start creating your Company Master Hazard and Risk Register
Select "Add Hazard"
Identify and search for hazard, or select the blue box "create custom hazard"
Existing hazards will provide you with Hazard details. Add a hazard description. Select "Next"
Begin Initial Risk Assessment: Select the "severity of injury/illness" and the "likelihood of hazardous event occurring" from the dropdown boxes provided. This will give you an initial risk profile for the hazard (before any controls are applied). Select "Next"
Add your companies control measures for this hazard and any additional information required for workers or not captured in the controls, select "Next"
Begin Residual Risk Assessment: Select the what the "severity of injury/illness" and the "likelihood of hazardous event occurring" is once the controls are applied from the dropdown boxes provided. This will give you the residual risk profile for the hazard (once the controls have been applied). Select "Finish"
Your hazard record, is now created with the risk assessment and controls documented. Select "Done"
Repeat these steps for adding all hazards to the register.
Once your master hazard is complete, your site admins will be able to create their site hazard register by pulling down records from the master hazard and risk register and applying site controls.
You can re-assess your hazards anytime, by clicking into the hazard and selecting the 'assess button'
When a hazard no longer exists, you can eliminate the hazard by clicking into the hazard and selecting the 'remove button'